L-Cysteine hydrochloride anhydrous

L-Cysteine hydrochloride anhydrous

L-cysteine hydrochloride is a colorless to white crystalline or crystalline powder with a slight special odor and sour taste, with a melting point of 175 ℃ (decomposition). Soluble in water, the aqueous solution is acidic, with a pH value of approximately 1.7 for a 1% solution and 2.4 for a 0.1% solution. It can also be soluble in alcohol, ammonia, and acetic acid, but insoluble in ether, acetone, benzene, etc. It has reducing properties, antioxidant properties, and the ability to prevent non enzymatic browning

Product name L-Cysteine Hydrochloride Anhydrous
ApperanceWhite fine powder
Test standardAJI, USP
Shelf time2 years,keep away sunlight, keep dry

1.In Cosmetics: used in the production of perm essence, sunscreen, perfume, hair essence, etc. , and can also be formulated into sunscreen and hair perfume.
2. In Medicine: cysteine is mainly used in liver medicine, detoxification medicine, expectorant medicine and other medical drugs. Cysteine and its derivatives can be used for detoxification of liver poisoning, antipyretic and analgesic, ulcer treatment, fatigue recovery, infusion and comprehensive amino acid preparation, etc. It is especially used for expectorant; treatment of bronchitis and phlegm-forming effect.
3. In Food: bread fermentation accelerator, preservative. Cysteine is used as fermentation aid, antioxidant and stabilizer for milk powder and juice, and nutritional additive for pet animal food, etc.
4. L-cysteine can be used as raw material for the production of other cysteine series derivatives.
5. Accelerate the formation of gluten, prevent aging; used in natural fruit juice to prevent the oxidation and browning of VC; Prevent radiation damage.

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