

DL-methionine is one of the body's essential amino acids, the lack of which can cause liver and kidney disorders. Especially important for protecting liver function. Can promote hair, nail growth, and have detoxification and enhance muscle activity.

Product name dl-methionine


ApperanceOff White fine powder
Test standardAJI, USP
Shelf time2 years,keep away sunlight, keep dry

DL-Methionine is biological protein synthesis skeleton amino acids. DL-Methionine is the necessary growth factors in livestock animal. It can also regulate animal's metabolism. It is already widely used in feed, medicine, food and cosmetics, etc. In the feed industry, the maximum dosage is DL-Methionine. It is used to strengthen feed nutritional. If you add 1kg DL-Methionine in feed, and its nutritional value correspond to 50kg fish powder. DL-Methionine addition was 0.5%-0.2% in the feed. In the medicine area, DL-Methionine is the major element in aminophenol transfusion and compound amino acids. And also can used in synthetic medicinal vitamin. DL-Methionine has anti-fatty liver effects can be used to produce liver drug. In the food area, DL-Methionine is used for food's amino acids and health food processing. And also used as nutrition supplement.

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