Pterostilbene Powder

Pterostilbene is found in almonds, various Vaccinium berries, grape leaves and vines and blueberries. While resveratrol is under research for its potential properties from consuming wine and other foods or beverages, pterostilbene is also found in wine although it is not as well researched as its analogue.

Pterostilbene is a stilbenoid chemically related to resveratrol. In plants, it serves a defensive phytoalexin role. The possible biological effects of pterostilbene are being examined in basic research involving laboratory models of several disorders, including age-related cognitive decline.

Product namePterostilbene
Others namePterostilbene powder
ApperanceWhite powder
CAS No.537-42-8
Shelf time2 years,keep away sunlight, keep dry

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