Camu Camu Extract

Camu camu is a native fruit of the Peruvian Amazon, mostly in floodable areas; it grows on a tree that can reach 5 ms of height. It bears round, bulby fruit, similar to cherries with a diameter of about 3 cms. , that weighs about 20 grs. The ripe fruit pulp can be eaten, with a lovely acid flavor, similar to cherries or lemon. Its most important feature is its high content in ascorbic acid. Camu camu contains more vitamin C than any other fruit on the planet: between 1,800 and 2,780 mg. per 100 grs. camu camu pulp. Compared to oranges, camu camu offers 30 times more vitamin C, 10 times more iron, 3 times more niacin, twice as much riboflavin, and fifty percent more phosphor.

Product name Camu camu Extract 
PLant sourceCamu camu
ApperanceBrown yellow fine powder
Specification5:1 10:1  20:1 17% 20% Vitamin C
Shelf time2 years,keep away sunlight, keep dry

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