Crystalline Fructose

Crystalline Fructose is a processed sweetener derived from corn that is almost entirely fructose. It consists of at least 98% pure fructose, any remainder being water and trace minerals. It is used as a sweetener in the likes of beverages and yogurts, where it substitutes for high-fructose corn syrup(HFCS) and table sugar. Crystalline fructose is estimated to be about 20 percent sweeter than table sugar,and 5% sweeter than HFCS, Fructose is white crystallized powder,sweet taste,tasting twice as sweet ae sucrose,and tastes particularly sweet when cold or in solution,it is sweetest glucide.

Product name Crystalline Fructose
ApperanceWhite Crystalline powder
Shelf time2 years,keep away sunlight, keep dry

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