Beta Carotene

Beta-carotene pure (Beta-carotene price) is the molecule that gives carrots their orange colour. Beta carotene is part of a family of chemicals called the carotenoids, which are found in many fruit and vegetables, as well as some animal products such as egg yolks. Biologically, beta carotene is most important as the precursor of vitamin A. Beta carotene also has anti-oxidant properties and may help in preventing cancer and other diseases.Beta-carotene pure (Beta-carotene price) is also known as a provitamin because it can be converted in our body into vitamin A after oxidative cleavage by beta carotene 15, 150-dioxygenase. In plants, beta carotene acts as an anti-oxidant and neutralizes singlet oxygen radicals formed during photosynthesis.

Product nameBeta-carotene
ApperanceOrange Fine Powder
SpecificationBeta Carotene 96%  10% ; Cantaxanthin 10%
Test methodHPLC/UV
Shelf time2 years,keep away sunlight, keep dry

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