
Why is Antarctic krill oil so precious?

Why is Antarctic krill oil so precious?

Krill is a small plankton living in the ocean. Unlike the common shrimp (Crustacea, Decapoda) on the table, 

krill belongs to the Crustacea, Euphausia. Krill oil extracted from the Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba Dana) 

living in the Southern Ocean was approved as a new food ingredient by the National Health and Family 

Planning Commission in 2013.

Antarctic krill oil is an oil product extracted from fresh Antarctic krill. It is popular because it is rich in ω-3

polyunsaturated fatty acids, phospholipids, choline, astaxanthin and other active ingredients. In recent years, 

as people pay more attention to health, krill oil has been widely used in health products and foods and is 

known as "ocean gold".


Main features of krill oil:

Low odor, low arsenic, high phospholipid Antarctic krill oil

Easy to digest: Antarctic krill oil forms a uniform emulsion with water, which is easy to digest, will not reflux, 

and avoid burping.

Easy to absorb: DHA and EPA in Antarctic krill oil exist in the form of phospholipid structure, which can easily

 pass through the cell membrane, is absorbed quickly and has high utilization rate by the human body.

High purity: Antarctic krill oil is extracted from sustainably caught Antarctic krill using multiple sedimentation 

extraction technology and processes. Antarctic krill oil is transparent and free of impurities, accompanied by

krill fragrance, and has no bitterness or astringency in the taste.

High utilization rate: Antarctic krill oil is a natural active complex molecule formed by combining phospholipids 

with omega-3 and then with astaxanthin. These ingredients are organically combined in the Antarctic krill body, 

and the synergistic effect of the ingredients is better than that of simple combination.

In animal fats such as fish oil, Omega-3 unsaturated fatty acids are combined with triglycerides or ethyl esters,

while Omega-3 unsaturated fatty acids in Antarctic krill oil are combined with phospholipids.

Compared with fish oil, Antarctic krill oil is more easily absorbed by the human body and has a higher

bioavailability. In this respect, Antarctic krill oil is more suitable than fish oil as a source of EPA and DHA for 

the human body.


Effects of Antarctic krill oil:

1. Antioxidant: Antarctic krill oil contains phospholipids n-3EPA and DHA, which have strong antioxidant activity.

2. Exercise recovery: Antarctic krill oil contains more choline components, which can increase the choline level 

in the body and shorten the muscle recovery time to a certain extent.

3. Assist in lowering blood lipids: After taking Antarctic krill oil, it will be absorbed into the blood through the 

small intestine, which can make the cholesterol particles on the blood vessel wall smaller, thereby helping to 

lower blood lipids in the body.

In addition, it also has the effects of relieving dry eyes, protecting the liver, and nourishing the skin.

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