
Health Benefits of Nervonic acid(Cis-15-tetracosenoic acid)

Cis-15-tetracosenic acid is a long-chain unsaturated fatty acid that is the monounsaturated analogue of tetracosenic acid. Also known as neuric acid and shark 

cholic acid. It is composed of choline, phosphoric acid, sphingosinol and fatty acids. It is found to be an extension product of oleic acid, whose direct precursor 

is erucic acid. In particular, it is abundant in the white matter and peripheral nerve tissue of the animal brain, where neuryl sphingolipid is dotted in the myelin 

sheath of nerve fibers. It is an important member of the cerebroside fatty acids, which are important components of the muscles, central nervous system and 


The health benefits of cis-15-tetracosenoic acid (neric acid)

1. Brain health

Cis-15-tetracosenoic acid (neuric acid) is the basic component of nerve cells and brain nerve fibers. Deficiency of cy-15-tetracosenoic acid (neuronic acid) can

lead to Alzheimer's disease, stroke, brain atrophy, cerebral palsy, insomnia, memory loss, forgetfulness and a series of brain diseases. It is not endogenous and

can be obtained through dietary supplements and natural food supplements.


2. Alzheimer's disease

The prevention of brain atrophy and dementia is a worldwide topic. Cis-15-tetracosenoic acid (neric acid) helps solve the problem. Cis-15-te24 carenoic acid (neuric acid) 

can completely cross the blood-brain barrier and directly enter the damaged parts of nerve fibers or nerve cells, so that the damaged parts of nerve fibers protect sheath

 regeneration, effectively dissolve the channel of necrotic tissue, and repair twisted or broken nerve fibers, promote the nutrient supply of nerve fibers, help the elderly to

 enhance memory, prevent and treat Alzheimer's disease.

3. Cholesterol levels

Cis-15-teosanoenoic acid (neric acid) can effectively regulate blood lipids, raise good cholesterol, and reduce bad cholesterol. It helps reduce the incidence of heart disease 

and cardiovascular disease. It has anti-fatigue, anti-aging, enhance immunity and other functions.

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